Google: Made W/Code | #CodeTheWorldYouWantToSee


Art Direction. Brand Awareness.


According to Made W/Code, an educational initiative powered by Google. Longs to promote and include every time more young American school girls to the computer science industry today, thriving for a major tech influence in the future.    

Only 1% of high school girls study computer science in the U.S.
Let's generate a change in those numbers. Technology is as dynamic as human interactions nowadays. Let's make possible a more inclusive environment and gender collaboration.  

With a visual language targeted to teenagers between 13 – 17 years old. The most sincere intention is to attract and encourage this audience into a change of mindset. For a more enriched and insightful tech industry and society. 

· San Francisco, CA ·   


[ Adobe Photoshop CS6, Adobe Illustrator CS6 ]